Title: Desires Unleashed
Author: Miles Hightower
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Mitch and Molly have a happy marriage, but they are wanting something more. They both admit to having similar fantasies and desires that go beyond their current relationship. See which discoveries they act on and how their marriage handles their erotic adventure as their desires become unleashed.

After a few more minutes, I see her coming down the stairs. She looks magnificent. No makeup. She knows I like her natural beauty. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She has on a white satin cover up that just barely hangs down past her cheeks. Tied in front but only closed enough to allow for a deep plunging neckline. The deep V of her cover up starts at her shoulders splits her chest and goes down to her bellybutton. With each step she takes, I can get a teasing glimpse of the triangle of stubble between the tops of her legs. Before she reaches the last step I can smell her perfume. Mmmm. The smell is sweet and enticing. My cock is coming to life.
"What 'cha watching’?" she asks with a seductive grin.
Actually, I didn't know anymore. I got too caught up in watching her come down the steps to notice what was on TV.
"Uhhh, apparently watching one woman going down on another while being taken from behind” stating the obvious as we both look to the action.
"Mmmm, looks fun,” she says
"Which one would you want to be?" I ask her.
"Well, I’ve never been with another woman, so maybe the one getting her clit licked," she dreams. "Plus, I could watch you fuck someone, too."
Then she slides up my legs as she gets on the bed. Purposefully, she runs her nipples along my chest on her way up to kiss me. We give each other a deep, wet, tongue-touching kiss, and then she starts to slowly slide back down my body. Her hands slip under my shirt and raise it up enough to kiss my chest. I can feel her warm breath on my nipples. Next, her tongue follows my hairline down to my waist. Fingers curl under the waistband of my shorts and pull them slowly towards my feet. My hard cock finds a newfound freedom. My sac clenches in the cool air. Hands run back up the sides of my legs, curl over the top of my hips and fingers wrap around my shaft. Her eyes peer up at me as her tongue slowly reaches out and swirls around the tip of my cock. The warm wetness cools quickly.
"What are you doing?" I ask. "Thought I was supposed to tie you up?"
"Yes, you are. But I wanted to give you a little pleasure first," she smiles.
Who am I to say no?
Her lips feel good on my dick . . . soft and firm at the same time. Her tongue tickles the sensitive underside of my head. She licks up and down my stiff shaft. The unyielding grip from her fingers reminds me of sliding into her ass. I peek at the TV and see two women sharing a guy’s dick between them. Makes me wish we had a friend to join us. My twitching balls get my attention back to Molly. She has moved far below my cock. Kisses now tickle the base of my shaft. Her tongue swirls up and dances with my balls. Gently stroking my shaft, her hand gets me closer to finishing. I look back to the TV for a moment and watch the two women share the guy’s release.
"Fuck . . . you need to stop," I tell Molly. "I don’t want to cum yet."
She looks up at me with a devilish grin while she decides if she is actually going to stop or not. She takes a peek at the TV. A scene comes on that catches her interest. She crawls back up my body then lowers herself back onto my stiff cock.
She is watching a woman on TV get pleasured by two guys. I can see in her eyes she has placed herself in that situation. Fucking me while imagining that only adds to the realism of her fantasy. I reach up with both hands, cup one of her tits and begin sucking on her nipple. The skin is taut. I rake the tip of it between my tongue and teeth and she moans. Her rhythm on my dick is getting faster and deeper. She's working up an orgasm, but I don’t want her to cum yet.
I release her nipple and give her a crack on the ass with my hand. Her hips twitch with the jolt of pain.
"Yes!" she exclaims
"Time to get tied up," I warn her, then I push her one way as I slide out from under her in the other direction.

Mitch Sinclair
Personality: Mitch is easy going and likes to joke around. Not much in life really bothers him, as he tends to not worry about the things he has no control over. He is a tease and flirt, and is always willing to back it up but never without Molly getting involved. Even though he likes to flirt, his wife is still number one to him.
Professional: Mitch’s second passion, after Molly, is flying. He grew up always wanting to be a pilot and got a job as a flight instructor after studying Aviation Flight in college. Unfortunately his flying career didn’t work out as he dreamed; therefore he began working in the automotive industry as a Quality Engineer. Fortunately, Mitch still flight instructs on some evenings and on the weekends to keep his dream of flying alive.
Physical Traits:
Age: 39 (who really gets older than this, right?)
Height: 6’1”
Weight: Not a ripped bodybuilder type, but one can tell he works out.
Eyes: Blue/Green
Hair: Brown, with silver highlights starting to emerge. Typically has a five o’clock shadow.
Tattoos: none, but not out of the question
Piercings: Left ear (grew up in the 80’s)
Molly Sinclair
Personality: Molly is wound tighter than Mitch. While she likes to joke and flirt as well, sometimes life gets to her. She and Mitch complement each other well. She keeps Mitch grounded when he needs to be and he helps raise her mood when life brings her down. Molly does have a wild side to her, which Mitch didn’t even know existed. Until now.
Professional: Molly is college educated and works at a consulting firm. She is the Office Manager there and oversees much of the work that goes on there. While she is no authority in any one field she has a staff of experts under her. From accounting, advertising, social media, and customer relations to dealing with upper management, Molly has a broad range of knowledge and skills.
Physical Traits:
Age: 37
Height: 5’6”
Physique: A beautiful figure that she feels somewhat confident in. She carries a few extra pounds, in the right spots, rather than being a few pounds light; curves instead of corners.
Eyes: Brown with metallic specs
Hair: Dark Brown with a hint of dark red in the right light, down to about the middle of her back
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Just ears, but is considering other places

Miles Hightower is my alter ego and now pen name. He came about as my wife started reading erotic romance and discussing the books in FB chat groups. Wanting to be apart of what interested her, I came up with Miles Hightower as a persona to lurk about in the social media world while keeping my personal life personal.
I am a husband, for 16 years and counting, to my wife Sara. We have two children. When not being a husband and dad to them, I enjoy flying. At one point I wanted to be a career corporate pilot, flying Lear jets all over the country. After I graduated from college I taught people how to fly for three years. Long story short, a flying career didn't work out and I ended up working in manufacturing. But that's where I met Sara. So it did work out after all. I still work in manufacturing, as a Quality Engineer and now just fly for fun when the weather is nice.
Along with flying I also enjoy playing golf, darts, taking my family to water parks, sitting in our hot tub or on a beach with Sara and a glass of wine and now writing. I tried to learn the guitar a few years ago, but that didn’t go so well. Apparently I have no musical talent whatsoever. I am a product of the 80’s and still am very into the hair band music from that era. And no, I didn’t have big hair back in the day, but I did sport a mullet.
As far as my writing goes, I don’t write “Disney Fairytale” style romances (as I like to call them) where a knight in shining armor comes in and saves the damsel in distress. I write about fictional erotic fantasy from a guy’s perspective; about how a guy might think, feel or act in a particular situation. My stories are ideas I make up with a little reality involving the things that interest me, like flying, and life in general tossed in. I do research the things that I don't know anything about, in an effort to make the story seem a little more real than complete fantasy. If it's on the internet it's true, right? I like my book(s) to come of as fantasy, yet slightly plausible.
Anything else you want to know about me, hit me up on my author page on Facebook or at www.mileshightower.com.
Again, thanks for stopping by. Miles


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