Title: Words We Never Speak
Author: Scarlet Darkwood
Genre: Romantic Paranormal Suspense
Published: February 15, 2016

Kit’s life is moving along without a hitch. New job, new boyfriend, new best girlfriend for a confidant. Just when everything seems picture perfect, her blissful existence unravels one happy thread at a time. Strange dreams about an old love from high school disrupt her sleep, reminding her of an unresolved issue haunting her since the day she graduated. A greedy contractor is intent on destroying the old family home where she works, and Kit’s adored cousin who owns the home simply wants to wash her hands of it all.
When a new guy comes to town, she hopes their burgeoning relationship will take her mind off the chaos and restore order. Her wish is shattered when gruesome events occur unexpected, and she’s left fighting them off one nasty surprise after the other. Worse, she must choose between two men who vie for her attention. One of them desperately wants something from her. The other is not what he appears. 

“Beautifully written and unrelentingly fast paced, this novel draws you in from the beginning The twists and turns show up without warning making this a very intriguing read.” ~Mensa Mama (Amazon Review)

“It’s getting late. C’mon. I’ll walk you home.” He scooted his chair back and stood up, picking up his empty dishes and cup. Kit did likewise, and within moments, they’d exited the coffee shop and made their way back to her apartment. When they reached the outside front door to the building, she turned to say goodbye. “Thanks for dinner and going walking with me. I really enjoyed getting out tonight.” “You were a great tour guide, and I liked the stories, though they were tragic.” He leaned against the doorframe, his body hemming her in against the door. “But I guess that’s what makes them intriguing in their own twisted way.” An unexplained shyness crept over her again. He was so close to her, warm breath caressing her ear. She managed a grin. “Yes, tragedy has its own appeal.” Steven’s breathing picked up a faster pace, and his eyes glistened with urgency. “Kit, do you mind me being forward and doing one last thing before I go?” A rush of excitement quickened her pulse. He didn’t need to ask permission or speak. All he needed to do was act. She didn’t flinch when he turned up her face to his with a gentle lift of his finger, and settled his lips onto hers with the most intense kiss. Her mouth opened, receiving his insistent tongue, soft and moist, gracing her with tender flicks and caresses. Time stood still while she briefly drowned in his embrace. The inside of her body mimicked a blazing fire. What she wouldn’t give to let this moment with him last forever. When the reality of it hit her senses, she tensed a little and pulled away, overwhelmed and unable to handle more. “Did I do something wrong?” He hugged her. “Maybe I jumped too soon. I’m so sorry.” “No, it’s okay. You’re fine. I promise.” Kit delivered him a nervous grin, stroking his cheek. “You’re, um, awfully good at kissing. The best I’ve had in a long time.” “Yeah?” He let out a soft chuckle. “I find that hard to believe.” She grimaced. “I wish I was lying, but then I’d be lying.” He laughed again. “You’re cute, you know that?” The smile left his face, and he peered down at her again. “Can I have one more kiss before I go back to my place?” Not waiting for an answer, he kissed her again, with more passion than before, leaving her breathless. “There, now I think that ought to do it.” With a stroke of his finger, he brushed away a wisp of hair from her forehead. “Go ahead and unlock the door so I can see that you got inside safe and sound.” She inserted the key and opened the door. “Okay, I’m in now. My apartment is just at the top of those stairs. I’ll lock this one.” “Very good.” He stepped back. “Can we get together again?” Kit shot him a wide grin. “I’d love to. We’ll hook up and work out the details.” “Can’t wait.” Steven waved before heading off into the night. When he’d become no more than a ghostly etch in the darkness, she turned around and went inside. Across the street, the clock from the church chimed the nighttime hour. Time for bed, or time for a new beginning? For the moment, both sounded right.

Scarlet Darkwood is an author with Booktrope, along with publishing other material as an indie publisher. Writing in several genres allows her to unleash her imagination in different directions, creating stories for different audiences. From a young age, she's enjoyed writing and keeping diaries, but didn't start creating novels until 2012. She's a Southern girl who lives in Tennessee and enjoys the beauty of the mountains. She lives in Nashville with her spouse and two rambunctious kitties.
Authors, crafters, and entrepreneurs have a special place in her heart. She likes to help others in these areas, and appreciates creativity in all its forms. She's happiest in her shop, where she sells retail, or in front of her computer creating the next entertaining story.
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