Title: Eighteen-Thousand Ninety One
Author: Erika Blount & Teri Glascock
Genre: Action (with Romance)
Release Date: August 18, 2019
Cover Design: Black Widow Designs
Cover Design: Black Widow Designs
Do you ever wonder what life would be like without power? Those few hours of a power outage when you feel like everything is falling apart, but you know it’ll come back on. What if it didn’t? And what if the only people who could help you were people that were sworn enemies of your father? Ivy Randall faces these challenges and many more in the midst of the world as she knows it falling apart around her.
Erika Blount is a romance author from Louisiana who is slowly branching into new genres. She is a lover of all things written and lives to travel vicariously through books, both her own and anyone else’s. She’s a bartender by trade, but nothing is as fulfilling as being behind a keyboard. She procrastinates on writing with her trusty side-kick Buddy the Wondermutt who is always at her feet and her boyfriend, Spanky, always looming nearby.
Teri Glascock is a new author from Louisiana. She is wife and mom to six kiddos. She runs a decorated cookie gig from her home that takes up a lot of her time. She reads and writes to escape the monotony of everyday life and to chase her lifelong dream of writing. When she isn’t working on cookies or busy mommin’, you can find her in the peaceful paradise that is her front porch of her country-living home. She enjoys hunting, fishing, reading, and tending to her flowers. Her life is a simple chaos and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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