“What the fuck are you doing, Avery?” Finn asks, his mood yet again unreadable.
“What are you talking about?” I ask, trying to inject as much nonchalance into my tone as possible. I tip my wine glass back, gulping down way more than I should be with the anxiety medication coursing through my bloodstream.
“Cut the shit. I only like you coy when you’re on your knees.”
My gaze cuts to him as I struggle to swallow the last sip of wine.
“And you fucking know it,” he finishes, an obvious attempt to rile me more after my reaction showed he hit a button.
“I’m not doing anything, Finn. Just trying to have a peaceful first dinner meeting my boyfriend’s family.”
“Meeting the boyfriend’s family,” he scoffs.” The only people not acquainted with one another here are my brother and the woman who was riding me, screaming my name as she came on my face not that long ago.”
I scoot back in my chair, throwing my napkin on the tabletop.
“Stop it, Finn,” I snap.
“Oh, are you afraid the boyfriend will overhear what I’m saying?”
“No, that’s not it at all,” I say, lifting my chin in defiance. “I know you’re just trying to piss me off—or make me leave, perhaps. But it’s not going to work.”
Finn’s eyes narrow slightly, but the reaction is quickly masked with indifference as he leans back in his chair, taking another sip from his wine glass.
“Do you think of me when he’s inside you?”
I yank my wine glass up, tossing the rest back and slam it back to the table harder than I intended. I glance up to Finn as the glass snaps at the stem, the bowl of the glass falling to the table and rolling a few inches toward the center. His eyes trail the movement then settle back on me; a blaze ignited behind his gaze.
“How many times have you squirmed underneath him, imagining it was his brother’s big cock thrusting into you, claiming you, filling you over and over until you tumble off that cliff, that pretty little pussy clenching as you come?” He leans forward. “Do you close your eyes to picture me? Or do you let him fuck you with your eyes wide open but my face where his should be?”

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