Alone in their booth, Kasper continued the conversation about favorite hobbies and interests. They didn't have much in common, but it didn't matter. Every layer Mat revealed was a fascinating surprise that made it obvious Kasper had been dating the wrong people for too long.
Mat hadn't mentioned anything about status all night. No jealous comments or bitterness over a rival. Nothing about social media. Not even an interruption to take a picture of his food. Kasper had forgotten what it was like to be with someone who wasn't driven by ambition or obsession. It was his own fault.
He didn't want a serious relationship, so he dated people too preoccupied to consider love a priority. Until that night, he hadn't realized what he was sacrificing to keep romance at a distance. Instead of enjoying the conversation and what it revealed, he'd been with people who made him want to rush through dinner and get to fucking so they would stop talking.
"This has been fun." Mat wiped his mouth with his napkin.
"Yes, it has." Kasper leaned back to let the server remove his plate.
"You make me glad I chose to give up anonymous sex. I can't remember the last time I had this good a time with someone. Of course, hookups never involved this much talking."
"I'm happy the experiment is working so far. Are you ready to go?"
"Sure." Mat scooted to the end of the bench on his side of the table.
"Coffee at my place?" Kasper did the same.
"Sounds great."
Kasper walked through the restaurant debating whether to take Mat's hand. He considered it all the way out to the parking lot before deciding he was overthinking. He caught Mat's arm a step from the car door and tugged him to a stop. Releasing his brief hold, he took Mat's face in his hands and kissed him, slowly, tenderly. Mat kissed him back, pulling him closer by the belt loops in his jeans.
Kasper kept the hunger on a leash despite the sparks that lit an instant fire inside, warming his cock. He didn't want to rush that moment. The romance of a first kiss was too important to neglect, no matter how badly he wanted to strip Mat naked. They'd get to that. Later.
"Wow," Mat whispered with dazed eyes, making Kasper want to kiss him all over again.
"I've wanted to do that for days," Kasper admitted.
"Me, too. Though, I'll admit, my fantasy didn't quite match that."
"You know how it is with us rebellious types. We don't conform to expectations."
"I'll try to remember that." The dimples reappeared. "I hope your house isn't too far because I'm ready to jump you right here."
"I had the same thought, but someone is bound to notice if we don't make it out of the parking lot."
"We can always put the top up."
Kasper looked over his shoulder at the confines of his two-seat sports car. "You'll get bonus points for difficulty if you can pull off anything more than a blow job in there," he joked before opening the door to let Mat in.

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