“Alright, let’s get started!” Dash shouted over the bullhorn.
I rolled my eyes, wondering why he was taking over my movie. Seriously, this was ridiculous. All the men thought they could just come into my life and take over, especially where the films were concerned. I was pretty sure they took this more seriously than I did.
Eli came walking over to me, holding the script in his hand. “Zoe, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to play this.”
“What do you mean?”
He turned it to face me, pointing at the first line. “What is my character’s thought process here?”
I looked over the line and then up at him questioningly. “You walk into the bar and order a beer.”
“Right, but am I sad? Lonely? Should I play it cool and relaxed?”
“You’re just there to get a beer. Nothing has even happened yet. This is where you meet the girl for the first time.”
He nodded, his brows pinched. “Right, but did I have a hard day at work?”
“It was just a normal day.”
He snorted. “On the police force? I doubt there’s a normal day.”
“This was a normal day,” I said, not sure what else to tell him.
Again, he nodded. “Cuz I was thinking, what if something really drastic happened? Like, say my partner just committed suicide and I’m here to drink away my cares.”
“But your partner appears in this scene later on.”
“Right.” He frowned hard. “So, what if it was my boss?”
What was it with these guys? Why did someone always have to be killed? “Eli, is there some reason you want to deal with suicide?”
“No, I just think it would really add to the feel of the movie. You know, bring out the emotions.”
“It’s a comedy,” I said bluntly.
He rolled his eyes. “Life isn’t always a comedy.”
“No, but this script is,” I said slowly.
He sighed dramatically. “I guess it could work.”

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