★★★★★ Amazon Review - “Sabrina Wagner has done it again with Behaving Badly in Vegas. This standalone novel, part of the Vegas Love series, delivers a captivating story of unexpected love and personal transformation.”★★★★★ Amazon Review - “Sinfully good!....‘Behaving Badly in Vegas’ is as hot as Sin City is bright and I am here for every delectable morsel.”
A quiet knock came at my open door and my head popped up. Charlotte stood there in the dark hallway on her bare feet. “I’m sorry to interrupt.”
“What do you need, Miss Bently?”
She tiptoed into my office and stood with her hands clasped in front of her. “Two things actually.”
I rolled my hand for her to get on with it. “Did you want me to guess, or are you going to tell me?”
She bit her bottom lip in a way that made me want to nip it between my teeth and then work my way down beneath her dress. I should have insisted she wore pants or maybe bought her a uniform. That would have solved my inconvenient attraction to the brunette. She barely had any tits, but the dress she wore clung to her boobs like a second skin before it fell down her body and skimmed the floor. It wasn’t sexy per se, but it had my dick standing at attention nonetheless.
“I was wondering if there was a baby monitor or if that was coming tomorrow as well?”
It was a logical question and showed a sense of responsibility. “It’s on an app. Hand me your phone.”
She placed her phone in my outstretched hand. “Things have changed a lot since I babysat last. I was looking for a walkie-talkie type thing.”
I quirked an eyebrow at her. “And when was the last time you babysat?”
“Ten years ago,” she said sheepishly. “I was fifteen.”
Jesus. She was older than I thought but still young. “Are you sure you’re capable of caring for my daughter?”
She nodded like a bobblehead. “Totally.” She cringed at her choice of wording and straightened her shoulders. “I mean, absolutely. Give me a chance.”
“I don’t give second chances. If you fuck up, I’ll send you packing so fast your head will spin. Am I clear?”
I downloaded the app on her phone and entered the username and password, then wrote them on a sticky note and stuck it to the screen before handing it back to her.
Charlotte pulled the note off and stared at her phone. Her lips tilted up as she watched Carina sleep. “So beautiful,” she whispered.
That was my sentiment exactly. Standing in my dimly lit office with her dark hair partly shading her face that glowed from the phone screen, Charlotte was pure perfection. She wasn’t just pretty. Pretty was an understatement that didn’t do her justice. The girl was a stunner.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” The question in my head slipped out without permission.
She tore her eyes from the screen. “Huh?”
“A boyfriend? Do you have one?”
Charlotte pushed her hair behind her ear and shook her head. “No, no boyfriend.”
I tapped my fingers on the mahogany desk. The thought of her wrapped around another guy, sharing kisses and whispering secrets, sent needles up my spine. “No fuck buddy or special friend?”
She scrunched up her face. “Not at the moment. Why? Would that be a problem?”
Yeah, it would be a fucking problem. “I don’t want my daughter around a bunch of fucking randos, that’s all.” That wasn’t it at all, but it was as good of an excuse as any. “Don’t bring guys to the apartment. If you need to scratch an itch, you’ll have to do it somewhere else.”
Even in the dim light, I could see the indignation in her eyes. “Okaaay.”
“I’m serious. This apartment is a no-fuck zone.”
Charlotte’s mouth twisted to the side and her nostrils flared. “No offense, Mr. Dorsey. But if I wanted to be treated like a child, I would have stayed at home in Colorado. Who I fuck is none of your business. I would never bring a man here, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be fucking someone. Don’t you worry… I’ll be sure to get a babysitter when I want to scratch an itch, as you so eloquently put it.” She turned to leave.
I stood and leaned on the desk. “Don’t you dare walk away from me when we’re talking.”
She spun back around. “Oh, is that what we’re doing? Talking? Silly me”—she smacked her temple with her palm—“I thought you were giving me a lecture on chastity. You may be my boss, but you don’t get to control my life!”
“If it affects my daughter, I do!”
Charlotte stomped back over to my desk and leaned on the opposite side, mimicking my stance. “I would never, and I mean never, do anything to harm Carina or put her at risk.” She raised a finger and shoved it in my face. “You know, everyone told me not to take this job and I’m beginning to see why. You’re a tyrant and a jerk face.”
“Jerk face?” I laughed. “I thought I’d been called every name in the book, but that’s a new one.”
“If the face fits…” She shrugged her shoulders.
All the tension drained from my body. Somewhere between being called a tyrant and a jerk face, she’d earned some respect. “I’ll get you a list of acceptable babysitters to use if needed. Do not take advantage of my generosity.”
“I won’t. It’s smart to have a backup plan. I’d also like a list of emergency contacts in case I can’t reach you.”
I jotted down a quick note. “Done.” It was something I should have thought of myself.
“Thank you.”
“What was the other thing?”
“You said there were two things you needed. What was the second thing?”
“Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted me to make you something to eat, but I’ve decided you haven’t earned the right to my cooking yet.” She shrugged her shoulder. “So, I guess you’re on your own.”
I stood there and stared after her like an idiot as she sashayed out of my office.
Food was the last thing on my mind, but I was hungry, nonetheless.

Sabrina believes true friends should be treasured, a woman’s strength is forged by the fire of affliction, and everyone deserves a happy ending. It’s rare to find her without a book in her hand or a story spinning through her head. She’s a hopeless romantic and knows all too well that life is full of twists and turns, but the bumpy road is what leads to our true destination.
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